Protein Diet

High Protein Diets to Lose Weight

The craze for high protein diets began back in the 1970’s with the advent of the Atkins Diet. The majority of these programs are designed to be used by both men and women. While losing weight is a secondary goal of a high protein diet, its first priority is to build lean muscle mass. There are no diet supplements or appetite suppressants that a person is required to purchase with the diet, but most of these diets do encourage the consumption of protein bars and shakes. In an unsurprising fashion, the primary feature of a high diet in protein is the consumption of large amounts of protein.

A high protein often incorporates the consumption of numerous high protein foods, including fish, chicken, egg whites, and salmon. The aforementioned protein bars and shakes are also included in this list. Whey protein and soy protein supplements are often featured in modern day high protein diets. High diet in protein are commonly used by individuals who work out regularly, as protein is an essential nutrient for the building and repairing of lean muscle mass. Another feature of the standard diet involves consuming foods that have a minimal amount of carbohydrates.

There are numerous advantages to be enjoyed by those who consume a high protein diet. First and foremost, protein is necessary for the building of muscle. Secondly, in modern medicine, the consumption of lean protein is generally encouraged as a healthy lifestyle choice. Next, the scientific evidence that backs up the benefits of a diet that’s high in protein was first found in the 1970’s. Since modern medicine has not revised its opinion of the healthiness of the diet, many dieters will find such information comforting. However, an individual must guard against the consumption of too much meat, which can actually have negative health benefits in certain situations.

A high diet in protein may not be the best dietary choice for vegans and vegetarians, whose lifestyles discourage the consumption of animal meat. The decision to not eat meat can actually make following a high protein diet rather difficult. One aspect of the diet is that it does discourage the consumption of carbohydrates, which the human body actually requires in certain amounts to use for daily energy. Finding the right balance between these two scenarios can be difficult for some dieters. Before an individual makes the decision to begin following a high protein diet, he or she should first consult their primary care physician.

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